Confidential Carbonated Soft Drink Manufacturer

Houston, Texas


In order to keep up with rising demand in a growing region, 世界上最大的碳酸软饮料(CSD)制造商之一决定用一个新的设施来巩固和取代几个老化的设施, state-of-the-art plant. Built to bottle, store, and distribute several of the brand’s popular beverage products, the new 1,000,计划在休斯顿140英亩的土地上建造占地面积达1000平方英尺的工厂, Texas. 澳门足彩app被选为该公司的首选设计建造者, 基于我们丰富的设计和建造饮料生产设施的经验.


该项目在德克萨斯州东南部有记录以来降雨最多的秋天启动. 由于工地积水一个多月,工程很快就落后于计划. But while construction was stalled, design continued, 当条件足够干燥时,就可以开始现场工作了, the crews were able to roll ahead full steam. Not only did they make up the initial time lost, but they were able to reach Joint Occupancy ahead of schedule.

除了在项目早期的雨天条件下导航, we were also faced with extreme heat in the summer months. Safety is always a top priority on 澳门足彩app jobsites, but for this job, in particular, 我们确保300多名现场工作人员免受高温相关疾病的侵害. We increased daily breaks, adjusted schedules so some crews could start in the cooler, 还提供了电解冰棒让大家保持水分. 工程顺利完成,未发生重大安全事故.


我们的客户需要在新设施中为多个新的装瓶线提供空间, 为此,它选择提供和安装自己的工艺设备. 知道需求可能会在不久的将来推动扩张, 我们的设施设计团队与客户合作,为未来的生产线和未来的仓库扩建分配额外的空间. In addition to the primary building for production, warehouse storage and distribution, 我们还为客户设计了六个独立的建筑,包括一个车队服务中心, recycle building, wastewater treatment, vehicle entry guardhouse, and a fire-pump building. Each of these buildings included self-performed, tilt-up concrete wall panels, 包括两个定制面板,以反映客户的一些标志性图像.


Every aspect of this plant, including 1.300万平方英尺的混凝土路面和三个独立的行政区域用于生产, sales, and distribution, 是按照我们传统的一流质量标准完成的吗. 新工厂成功地完成了客户在西南地区简化和升级供应链的目标.

  • 饮料生产设施与毗邻的仓库和配送中心
  • 生产设施包括五(5)条新的装瓶线和所有公用设施支持空间-工艺设备由业主提供和安装
  • 该设施主要由倾斜的墙壁结构组成,对工艺和装瓶区域进行了干净的设计升级
  • 该设施包括用于生产办公室的三个独立的行政区域, sales office and distribution office
  • 该工厂的设计可容纳多达5条额外生产线和340台设备,000 SF of future warehouse space
  • 该项目包括140英亩土地的全面开发,占地面积超过1公顷.3MM square feet of pavement for parking and drive areas
  • 项目包括六个独立的建筑:车队服务中心, recycle building, wastewater treatment, vehicle entry guardhouse, truck entry guardhouse and fire pump building
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 但精英告诉我们,luctus nec ullamcopper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 但精英告诉我们,luctus nec ullamcopper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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